Black mesa research facility parking permit
Black mesa research facility parking permit

black mesa research facility parking permit

Black Mesa, as the same announcement states, is an equal opportunity employer. It is also said that jobs in low-clearance security and materials handling are available. During the tram ride that opens Half-Life, an announcement on the public address system states that the facility is seeking employees with backgrounds in theoretical physics, biotechnology, and various other high-tech scientific disciplines. A large amount of classified research is carried out, including the development of high-tech weapons and defense systems, research into extra- dimensional travel, teleportation, and the study of Xen. In addition to this legitimate research, several secret projects are also carried out at Black Mesa, which are deliberately left vague. The facility also serves as a base for decommissioning nuclear weapons. Research at the facility includes both pure research and applied science. Much of the work undertaken at the facility involves fairly standard scientific research, such as radiation, rocketry, theoretical physics, lasers, experimental propulsion, hydraulics, robotics, hydroelectricity, genetics, applied mathematics and a very wide spectrum of research into chemistry and all manner of physics research. The Black Mesa facility is built over several decommissioned missile silo complexes constructed during the 1950s, which have been converted into a vast civilian institute for the research of every conceivable scientific discipline. 4.4 Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities.

Black mesa research facility parking permit